Press and Media
Welcome to my Press & Media page, a curated collection showcasing the journey of my professional voice through various platforms. Here, you'll find highlights from my speaking engagements, online summits, articles, podcasts, and other media appearances where I've had the privilege to share my insights on inner child healing, meditation, building self-worth, and spiritual growth.
Podcast Appearances
SPARK StartHer Podcast Ep 23 Guest Alicia Farricielli Host Elizabeth Goede
Conversation with Alicia Farricielli | Successful Toy Podcast
Awakening Your Inner Child: Exploring Inner Child Healing with Alicia Farricielli
Tapping into Your Intuition | Soulcialistic Approach ™
5 Steps To Make Your First Million Alicia Farricielli and Harry Sardinas
The Truth About ADHD: How Meditation Changed My Life with Alicia Farricielli | Diary of a Dyslexic Strategist
How Can You Nurture and Heal Your Inner Child? | Be Well, Be Safe, Be Happy, Eat Ice Cream
PT 2 Interview with Alicia Farricielli | Successful Toy Podcast
Summit Appearances
The Art of Intuitive Communication in Business | Empowerment Blueprint Summit with Women's Professional Network
Cultivating Serenity: Develop a Transformative Spiritual Morning Routine | March Forth Magazine | May 2024
TV Appearances
Unveil Your Brilliance with Angilie Kapoor | Future Forward: Unlocking Women's True Potential
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I look forward to connecting and continuing this journey of growth and transformation together.
Reach out to hire me for speaking engagements or podcast opportunities.