man standing behind flat screen computer monitor


Unlock Excellence Through Presence

Boost Productivity, Creativity & Well-Being in Your Organization

This immersive 6-week mindfulness program is designed for forward-thinking organizations seeking to invest in their employees' mental health, emotional intelligence, and peak performance capabilities. Whether a Fortune 500 company, rising startup, academic institution or non-profit, Mindful Mastery provides powerful mindfulness training tailored for professional environments.

Mindfulness Training for Forward-Thinking Organizations

a woman sitting at a desk with her hands behind her head
a woman sitting at a desk with her hands behind her head

The Mindful Advantage: Backed by Neuroscience & Research

Extensive research from leading institutions demonstrates the transformative impacts mindfulness practices can have on workplace cultures and employee performance:

  • Gain 62 minutes per week in productivity through improved focus (University of California study)

  • Experience an 83% reduction in stress levels (study by Alia Mind mindfulness app)

  • Boost ability to prioritize tasks by 57% (analysis by Mindful Magazine)

  • See an 80% improvement in emotional intelligence skills like self-awareness, self-regulation and empathy (data from Search Inside Yourself Institute)

Backed by trailblazing neuroscience research, when employees tap into present-moment awareness through practices like meditation, breathwork, and gentle yoga, profound cognitive and well-being benefits emerge:

  • Increased gray matter density in the brain's prefrontal cortex responsible for focus, decision making and emotional regulation (Harvard study)

  • Improved connectivity between areas governing attention, memory and sensory perception (Massachusetts General Hospital)

  • Reduced size of the amygdala, the brain's threat detection and stress response center (UCLA brain imaging)

  • Elevated levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes positive mood states (

By building a "mindfulness muscle" through regular practice, employees develop valuable mental skills - resilience, cognitive flexibility, emotion regulation - that allow them to navigate complex work environments with greater calm, clarity and creativity.

Beyond basic stress reduction, mindfulness is a potent tool for optimizing human performance and organizational effectiveness. Invest in your employees' mindfulness training and unlock exponential returns in productivity, decision-making, innovation and employee engagement.

Experience Mindful Mastery with Alicia Farricielli

Alicia Farricielli is a highly accomplished guide in the realms of mindfulness, healing, and personal empowerment. Her Mindful Mastery program arises from over 20 years of diverse experience spanning corporate roles to entrepreneurship. Alicia's teachings center on trusting your innate wisdom, nurturing harmony between mind-body-spirit, and achieving personal-professional balance.

With a rich background that allows her to deeply understand modern workplace challenges, Alicia compassionately empowers professionals to break through limitations and embrace transformative growth. Her own journey overcoming anxiety, burnout, and self-doubt gives her unique insights for helping others realize their full potential.

Alicia's Mindfulness Expertise:

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Health Coach

  • Reiki Master (Kundalini Reiki Master)

  • Certified Breathwork Teacher

  • Certified Meditation Teacher

  • Certified EFT & TFT Practitioner

  • Certified Ayurveda Coach

  • Certified Human Design Coach

  • 200 Hr Registered Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Law of Attraction Coach

  • Certified Sound Healing Practitioner

Drawing from ancient wisdom traditions and modern neuroscienc, Alicia creates an interdisciplinary mindfulness methodology. Her approach harmoniously blends meditation, breathwork, gentle yoga, energy healing, and more. Within a safe non-judgmental container, you'll experience powerful yet simple tools for reducing stress, gaining clarity, and operating from your highest potential.

Alicia's genuine warmth, grounded presence and intuitive guidance allows even those new to mindfulness to embrace their journey of self-discovery and inner liberation. Invest in yourself by experiencing the profound transformation available through her Mindful Mastery program.

Mindfulness Training Program

Transform your workplace culture with our 6-week mindfulness training program designed to enhance focus, creativity, and collaboration.

Meditate Your Way to Calm Clarity

Meditation techniques from the Zen@Work course, including breath awareness, body scans, loving-kindness practices and more, enable you to activate your body's relaxation response, develop laser-focused concentration amidst chaos, gain healthy perspective on thoughts and emotions, and cultivate steady patience for navigating life's ups and downs with grace.

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
a man sitting on a yoga mat with a laptop in front of him
a man sitting on a yoga mat with a laptop in front of him
Breathe Your Way to Mindful Communication

The Mindful Mastery breathwork curriculum will equip you with powerful techniques like coherence breathing. Use your breath to harmonize your physiology with others, creating a grounded space for open and authentic collaboration.

By syncing breath with physical movements, you'll learn to quiet your inner critic and make space for fresh ideas to arise. Mindful yoga flows increase mind-body awareness, allowing you to tune into your intuition and gut feelings - catalysts for innovation.

Unlock Your Creative Flow Through Mindful Movement
group of people doing yoga
group of people doing yoga

The Mindful Mastery Advantage

Achieve peak performance and true team cohesion by mastering the skills of mindful awareness. Through Mindful Mastery's comprehensive training, your employees will gain:

Heightened Present-Moment Focus & Emotional Intelligence

Optimized Productivity & Workflow

Unshakable Resilience & Well-Being

A Culture of Cohesive Collaboration

With mindfulness, distractions dissipate. Employees operate from a state of calm clarity, able to navigate stressors, think creatively, and build trust through open communication.

By strengthening attention skills, your team eliminates days lost to procrastination and lack of focus. Prioritize seamlessly and solve problems with innovative thinking.

No more burnout. Mindfulness is a potent tool against chronic stress. Employees enjoy higher job satisfaction, better work-life balance, and a grounded sense of purpose.

Foster psychological safety where teams can bring their fullest selves. Mindful communication breeds honest bonding, shared commitment, and efficient collective performance.

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Investment That Pays Dividends

Prices start at $150 per participant for 6 weeks of comprehensive training.

Customized mindfulness solutions also available.

Amplify your team's potential and actualize a more conscious organizational culture. Harness the Mindful Advantage today.